Friday, September 5, 2008

Bonne soirée!

And what a bonne soirée it was! I had a long day, involving tiramisu, listening to our director talk at us for the longest time, FINALLY getting new clothes, and having one of the best nights in Paris so far.

However, I'm exhausted, so I'm going to finish my "Ice tea" (they really just say "Ice tea" here!), watch some Ratatouille since I've been craving it since I've been here, and go to SLEEP. For a long time.

I'll let you know how many things I recognize from Ratatouille and everything we did to fêter le jour d'anniversaire d'Abby!

FUN FACT: While I was on the metro coming home, I talked to these two ladies from Chicago. They were adorable. They told me to be careful. Then they got off to buy sweatshirts.