Monday, January 12, 2009

SUCH a good weekend.

I have a lot to say about London, but as it's 2 in the morning, I should probably go to sleep.

For now, have some videos from when I saw Julia Nunes live in concert!

I promise a real update this week, but for now, here's what's on my agenda for this finals/hell week:

- Put money on phone
- Write interview questions for my volunteer org
- Write a song about art history and add it to youtube (for studying purposes, bien sur)
- Tune ukulele and bring it to school so I can practice
- Return bag to Amherst girl who needed a place to store it
- Write Chris a letter
- 8:00: Try to go to frisbee practice?

- Go to LaChorba and ask interview questions/work
- STUDY for art history
- Write about Ary Scheffer to give to art history soutien pooplady

- Meet with MBF for special studies paper
- Return library books

CAN DO. Going to sleep! Bonne nuit!

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