Saturday, January 3, 2009


So it's been a crazy time. I got back from America this morning at around 8:30 a.m., Paris time (2:30 a.m. EST), and there were soucis getting from the airport to my apartment. Apparently, there was a bomb scare (I tried looking online for a news story about it, but I came up with nothing and you get this instead). Someone left his or her suitcase in a restaurant in the Charles de Gaulle airport, and they had to call in the bomb squad to take care of it. After a lot of hubbub and panicking, I finally got to a bus to take me back to Paris (luckily it was free with my Navigo pass, since they wouldn't let anyone get to the RER station to catch a metro).

I finally got home, took a MUCHNEEDED shower, and slept for awhile, since I couldn't sleep on the exciting plane night plane ride back to Paris.

It doesn't need to be said that I had an excellent time in America. Highlights:
- Gifts: UKULELE/Guitar Hero/Wall-E/everything about DeniseBee
- Maggie
- Christmas with the crazies, I mean, my family
- Mom and Chuchie's rapport and ability to make each other laugh very hard (but don't ask me how hard)
- My dad fixing everything that I've ever broken
- Seeing my brother turn into a complex, interesting, caring person
- Bolt in 3D (I don't care how shitty a movie is; I will love it in 3D, AND we're hilarious and I love you guys)
- Benjamin Button with Gia
- medium iced caramel lattes from Dunkin Donuts
- strawberry surf rider from Jamba Juice
- a less-stressful Christmas period than previous years, thanks to minimal minimalizing of the outrageous work my family puts into the holiday season
- Christmas cookies
- Going to Cubby's for half of a pulled pork sandwich and birch beer on Christmas Eve
- Ben and Jerry's Fossil Fuel pint
- New Year's with Denise

New Year's Resolution: Stop being a whore.

I tried to find definitions that would be appropriate to my idea of what this means to me, but I can't find them. So just know that I'm going to hunker down, get my shit done, and do the right thing.

And, with that, a to-do list!

This week:
- Finish study sheet for France + Europe test on Monday
- Study
- ACE TEST!!!!
- Talk to Maddie about benevolat project
- Do research for project
- Read Sylvia Beach's book for methodology essay
- Write methodology essay
- Write conclusion for dossier
- Fill out frisbee polls they don't exist anymore, but that's okay because I couldn't go to any of those tournaments, anyway!
- Go to LaChorba to volunteer making soup Literally cannot, so I'm not going to try. Will do work instead! Yayyyy
- Talk to Rosalie about coming to London this Friday afternoon!

Next week:
- Study like CRAZY for Art History
- Figure out what I'm going to do about missing history class on Monday since I'll still be in London X_X
- Write/e-mail all the people I've been meaning to update

And with that, going off to pretend to work! But more likely to SLEEP.

1 comment:

  1. Jamie,

    I am talking to you right now. You are the love of my life. I just thought you should know.

    Also, thanks for all your comments, especially the one you sent me after my freakout. It helped. A lot.

    I love your resolution. And your to-do list. You may be even more screwed than I am, but I know you will manage because you are a super-awesome, super-human human being.

