Tuesday, February 15, 2011

No diagnosis.

Well, I shouldn't say that I'm surprised. As I walked into the doctor's office yesterday morning, I looked at the business card that said "Gastroenterology" on the top and realized that maybe this guy wouldn't have the answers I was looking for. However, since he was the last person I saw about being completely wiped out in June (when it may well have only been an infection of some sort, because my liver levels were through the roof), I figured at least he would send me for some tests to play the Elimination Game - we're looking to cross out any liver disease and anemia with the bloodwork he sent me for today. I have an appointment with a new endocrinologist next Friday, and if I still don't have any answers, I'll likely be going back to a specialist, hopefully in chronic diseases.

Honestly, the more I think about going to the doctor, the more I wish I could just bypass the Elimination Game and get to the part where they diagnose me with chronic fatigue syndrome. I've always been impatient, though. And maybe it will prove important to go through all of these tests to rule things out because hey, I just may wind up having something that is testable, diagnosable, and curable! However, recent webmd-searchin' and book-learnin' have taught me that not only do my symptoms match with those of CFS, but that doctors don't always know how or when to diagnose it.

Hopefully, a diagnosis is just around the corner, but until then, I'm set to head back up to Noho for a little bit and then onto Canada. I'll be taking it easy as best as I can with the people I want to see most, which, even sans diagnosis, will definitely be the best medicine.


  1. I just wanted to let you know that I'm reading and that I am sending you a lot of love. And a big hug.

  2. Oh, Abby! That means so much to me. Thank you for the love and hug, and I send my own back to you. Hope life's treating you well!
