Monday, September 8, 2008

I hope that real classes never start so I can keep having fun at nighttime.

I saw the Eiffel Tower do its sparkly shiny show on my way home on the metro! Also, I was lazy and took the transfer to a closer stop so I didn't have to walk as far.

Hannah and I saw a thriller movie about this chick with "multiple personality disorder", but of course they were just dead people channelling through her. It was fun since we were the only ones in the theatre, so we kept poking fun at it. Also, it was in English, since it was an Irish movie, which was easy and relaxing for us.

Development: I am learning how to eat like a French person with my knife in my right hand and my fork in my left. J'arrive.

I really had something to update about, but now I can't remember what it was! It is most definitely sleeptime.

Oh! That's what it was! I much prefer going to sleep late at night on a school night if it means that I've done fun things. Also, this whole month of 9:00 to 5:00 courses only equals 2 credits. Definitely not important enough to risk not seeing enough of Paris. I can't wait to see what adventures I run across tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, I'm sure you will still go out at night even when real classes start. Shit, that's when the fun starts (i.e. dancing all night and then going to class straight from the club the next morning...). Boa sorte!
