Saturday, September 6, 2008

Holy merde.

Remember that time that I had metro troubles this afternoon?

DOES NOT COMPARE with metro troubles this evening.

I was already running late for meeting up with Rebecca, Rachel, Hannah, and Abby when I ran to the metro station. I made it to the metro station, but I JUST missed the train. I waited another 5 minutes for the next one and felt like crap because I was already late. I got onto the metro and waited for my stop. We were only 3 stops into the trip, when the lights went off completely.

We halted to a complete stop. The lights came back on.

After a couple minutes of waiting without moving, the conductor came on the speakers. What I caught in my shock was that someone had been in front of the train and they were under the impression that he was paralyzed. I called Hannah and told her what I had heard, including that they were waiting for the "papers" to arrive (apparently, he had said "pompiers" and not "papiers". I always thought that "pompiers" were firefighters, but I guess they deal with those things, too).

I was stuck on the metro for 45 minutes. 45 minutes of silence on my part, because I didn't really want to talk to anyone. I was pretty shaken, especially compared to everyone else, who were laughing and talking since the initial announcement. There was hardly any remorse. I wanted to reach out to someone who felt equally shaken, but it seemed that everyone was just like "yeah, whatever, this happens all the time". Which I guess it does happen with some frequency here.

On the plus side, we started moving again finally, and I got to meet up with my friends in the 6eme arrondissement at Chai de l'Abbaye. Rachel and Rebecca were already ready to hit the road after having had their beverages. I ordered a hot chocolate with Bailey's (c'mon, I totes deserved it). I sat and talked with Hannah and Abby. Mostly about the "diabeetus" guy. It was hilarious. It was really nice to speak in English with them after struggling in French all day.

We headed out in our separate directions. We're becoming professional French kissers (oh lalalala!). We do the "biz" (the double cheek kiss) when we leave now. We almost look French! It is neat.

I got on the metro until Montparnasse. I got off and had to get all the way to the other end of the station to get my train. They have those moving walkways like at the airport. I had to wade through 6 guys sitting on the moving armrest. One had a guitar, and all the rest were just singing "Svweeeeet Hooooooome Ahhhlaaawwwbaaahhhmuhhhhh!" It was hilarious. I laughed out loud. Mostly alcohol-induced, I imagine. But hilarious nonetheless. I probably would've done the same laugh even if I didn't have an ounce of Bailey's in my system.

Okay. I am washed. Pajamas, then BED. Bonne nuit!


  1. oh man. i totally forgot that you could order alcohol now.

    i'm visiting kthx

  2. I probably would've laughed, too, even at people singing that in the states. Good work!

  3. ah! that's crazyness o.O but at least you got a bailey's hot chocolate X D yum. i'm in love with this blog keep it up!! <3

