Wednesday, November 26, 2008

'appy Sanksgeeveeng!

AHhhhh I'm so excited for Thanksgiving!! We're having a big ol' Smithie party, and it's sure to be kick-ass. I made my mom and aunt's famous chocolate toffee crunch bars yesterday. I showed my host mom how to make them, who was amazed at all the steps I took to get to those delicious cookies that magically showed up in her house the last time I made them. She hardly believed that I made them myself! Now that I showed her how to do it, I think she's at least minimally excited (I've found that French people don't get excited, on general principle) about having learned a new recipe. I just have to translate my mom's recipe into French now!

Also, I made macaroni and cheese with Abby today. Definitely a bit different from my grandma's original recipe, especially without the rigatoni, "whole milk", and HUUUUGE effin' bowl. We made it in two casserole dishes, and I'm sure it turned out beautifully! Especially with our "raped Emmenthal cheese"("râpé" = shredded. Isn't that terrible?) on top. Mmmm.

Wednesdays are the worst. I feel so unproductive, even after about 10 straight hours of classes. I really just want to hit the library, do my art history readings, and go Christmas shopping.

I'm kind of upset that I'm missing the Thanksgiving parade tomorrow, since I'll already be at our Thanksgiving party. Maybe they'll do the honors of showing it?

Or maybe I'll be really lame and search like a BEAST when I get home tomorrow night to see if they posted full video of it. Didn't you ever watch Miracle on 34th Street??? The Thanksgiving parade is the official start of the Christmas season. I'm so excited. It smelled like snow today.

Okay. I'm going to try to be productive. This is my horoscope for the week:
"Two of the best money-saving steps you can take, says TV's mock pundit Stephen Colbert, are to stop filling your hot tub with champagne and stop lining your gerbil's cage with hundred-dollar bills. I highly recommend that you brainstorm about initiating similar conservative and preservative actions, Cancerian. It's time for you to get really serious about shedding wasteful habits, cutting out needless excesses, and culling trivial activities that impinge on the time and energy you have available for the really important things. This shouldn't be a cause for demoralization, by the way. On the contrary, the more creative you are about setting limits, the more long-term blessings you'll set in motion."

I think it's a pretty good one. (If you want to check out yours:"

Bonne nuit! Bon Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. wow, that astrology site is pretty fun. i don't really put any weight into horoscopes, but mine was pretty uplifting (Libra :3)

    I haven't watched the entire parade (I never wake up for it in time D:) but the little bit I saw of it was ~AMAZING~ and I'm so tempted to spoil this one float but it's probably better if I don't

    HAPPY HAPPY TURKEY EATING (will you be eating turkeys? :O)
