It's been friggin insane around here lately. My classes are all up and running, which makes me realize just how many things I wanted to take. I didn't realize that they would all clash with each other, and it seems that Smith isn't as willing to help with things as I had originally thought. I've been basically on my own as the only other person in the program taking a living Romance language, and I've been shit out of luck so far in trying to sort out my Spanish classes.
In any case, my fat lip has stopped swelling, the weather was gorgeous today, and I got to go to my teacher's apartment today by the enormous Bibliothèque Nationale (National Library, the huge François Mitterrand one). We discussed my interest in "Restos du Coeur", and she talked me through the process of applying. Also, she has a cute dog named "Eclipse". She took to me right away and even layed on me for most of the time. I'm glad I wound up going to my teacher's apartment instead of meeting at Reid Hall. I really liked getting to play with her dog, and I even found some really good pizza around the corner. The guy behind the counter playfully made fun of my accent, and when he was filling my bag with the pizza and apple juice I had ordered, he reached behind the counter and pulled out a pink straw for me. It was kind of adorable.
I also just love looking at the Bibliothèque Nationale. It's stunning! On the way back home, I took the RER, which is kind of like Metro North. It's the commuter rail, and the trains have two levels. I love sitting upstairs. I wound up taking the RER, since I knew I wouldn't have to transfer. I had never taken it alone before, and it was quite relaxing. I ate my pizza and people-watched. I got excited when we went above ground, and we even saw a Statue of Liberty that I didn't know about just along the Seine! It took probably 15-20 minutes longer than it would have if I had just taken the metro with the transfers, but it felt good to sit and look around for awhile.
Without further ado, my schedule!
10:00 - 11:30: Spanish (Theme class) at Clignancourt
11:30 - 12:30: Spanish (Modern Version) at Clignancourt
13:00 - 15:30: La France et l'Europe (at Middlebury Center, which takes exactly a half hour to get to. Also, I got lost trying to get there the first time, so I've already missed 1.5 classes. It's going to be a pain in the ass to get from Clignancourt to Madeleine in exactly a half hour. I also have to remember to buy lunch beforehand!)
21:00 - 22:15: Indoor Frisbee Practice! (takes about an hour to get there and back though)
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. YES YOU HEARD RIGHT. I'm about to fill out my application for Restos du Coeur, and hopefully I'll be volunteering on Tuesdays and Thursdays, since I don't have anything else. Except...
20:30 - 23:00: Outdoor Frisbee Practice! Less fun! Especially in the rain! (an hour there and back)
9:30 - 11:30: Methodology at Reid Hall
12:00 - 13:00: Art History TD
14:00 - 16:00: Art History extra help course (every other week)
18:30 - 20:30: Art History lecture
Nothing! For real! No frisbee practice or anything! We might make it our salsa night, once people start getting their business together.
14:00 - 15:00: Spanish lecture at Clignancourt
15:00 - 16:30: Spanish (Classic Version) at Clignancourt
So not too bad. It just sucks that my Mondays and Wednesdays are death. It meant that this week went by pretty quickly, which is nice. I hope that it keeps up, and I don't start stressing too much. Right now, I've just cleaned my room, I'm about to settle down to get all of my homework done that I have so far, and I have water with sirop de citron. Mmm.
Also, it's 7:00, which means dinner in an hour with all luck. I just heard my host mom come home, I think, so that's all you get for now! Bisous!
Restos du coeur!! I'm really impressed! That is really something to be proud of! It's good to know that there's people like you in this world! Merci infiniement! B