Saturday, December 17, 2011

(re-)Bienvenue aux Etats-Unis !

I am on a plane on the way back to the US to spend about 2 weeks with my friends and family, and I decided that maybe it’s about time to write a blog post! I can’t remember where I left off, but I think it was just before Thanksgiving. As I’ve still got 2.5 more hours left in my journey that started at 4:30 a.m. when Hannah and Alexis drove me to the airport from their apartment (it’s currently 7:00 p.m. France-time, which means I’ve been in transit for the past 14.5 hours. Eep.), I think I’ve got plenty of time to wrack my brain and remember the important details.

1. Thanksgiving

One of my friends Emily invited me and some other friends to spend Thanksgiving weekend at her house in Doudeville (lovingly referred to as “Dude-ville”). We had such a fantastic feast! Also, as we had a Brit in our midst, we got to share all of our holiday traditions and stories, such as how Thanksgiving is obligatorily an awkward family event. We had chicken with garlic butter, stuffing, gravy, baked macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, chocolate-covered pretzels, peanut butter cookies, pumpkin pie, and chocolate cheesecake. So good!

2. School
My teachers continue to be pretty wonderful. They are consistently open to my ideas and helpful in terms of giving me feedback as to what they would like me to focus on with their classes, and I don’t think I could ask for a better group of co-teachers.

I’ve also been constantly evaluating my skills as a teacher, since I’ve never really had full reign over a classroom before (though my “classes” are really just groups of 3 – 12 students and I’m always next door to the actual English teacher). There have definitely been moments that could have gone better, but there have also been moments where I’ve surprised myself with how I handled the situation on my own. One example comes to mind: during my session, one of my students flat-out refused to participate –she told me that she hated all of the English teaching assistants and that she would not talk at all, no matter what. After trying to no avail to get her to talk about anything, including why she hated English class so much, I decided that it would be better for her this session if she went back to the other English teacher.

I debated whether or not this was the right decision for a while afterward, and I’ve come to the conclusion that though I would not send a student out of my classroom for not participating in a Real English Class, I think that it was necessary for the dynamic of our session together that this student stayed in the very much less oral communication-based Real English Class in the classroom next door. Being able to participate in these pull-out English lessons with me is supposed to be a privilege, and the other students who were in the classroom truly were interested (if not completely confident in their oral English skills) to communicate with me.

I’m hoping to keep finding a balance, and I think it’s already good that I know that I will have lessons that are going to totally bomb, no matter how well I prepare for them. I feel blessed with two important skills that I’ve discovered about myself in a classroom: one, my ability to adjust at the drop of a dime (as evidenced by my worksheet on “Happy New Year” that turned into a cultural discussion about the myths behind “the end of the world” and 2012); and two, my increased willingness to just shut my mouth and not over-explain everything so that my students are forced to fill the silences themselves. I am impressed by them more and more every day – not only just in terms of their English skills but in their ideas of moral/social/political issues and the way that their ideas are already so clearly formed and developed.

3. Home Life

David (the Spaniard) and Daniel (the Martiniquais) are consistently the best guys ever. I always forget sometimes that they’re 10 and 13 years older than me because we joke around like teenagers and are constantly playing jokes on each other or poking fun in all good ways. David still spoils us with his cooking (and I’m doing my best to return the favor by baking lots of delicious goodies for dessert), and Daniel is forever scatterbrained but would do anything for either of us if we needed it. I feel so lucky to have found these guys and am so happy that I get to spend the rest of the school year getting to know them and goof around with them.

4. Love
I am so happy! I have a wonderful girlfriend, lots of loving friends, and little reminders all over that I’ve got so much love in my life right now, and I couldn’t be more grateful for everyone who shows me love. And also, I feel solid and content in all of the best ways, and I haven’t had that in a relationship in so long, and I am so happy.

5. Upcoming Adventures

- Heading to the US RIGHT THIS MINUTE!
- Hanging out with Katie and friends in Paris for New Year’s Eve
- Berlin with Katie to see Melissa Etheridge and explore Germany for a week!
- …then off to Sevilla for a week to meet up with Daniel, David, and Chloe for an Andalusian road trip
So, that’s about it! I’m wishing everyone a loving and beautiful next couple weeks (oh, and for all of the new year, too). Joyeuses fêtes!